"Контрол на хелминтите при кучетата и котките" - ръководство на ESCCAP 01, Второ Издание, септември 2010.
Файлът може да бъде свален от тук.
"Контрол на хелминтите при кучетата и котките" - ръководство на ESCCAP 01, Второ Издание, септември 2010.
Файлът може да бъде свален от тук.
Годишната среща за 2016 г. и отчетно-изборното събрание на Българското паразитологично дружество ще се проведат на 20 април 2016 г. (сряда) от 10:00 ч. в сградата на Националния център по заразни и паразитни болести, бул. "Янко Сакъзов" No. 26, София.
Дневен ред:
9:00-10:00: Регистрация на участниците
10:00-11:20: Пленарни доклади
11:20-11:40: Кафе-пауза
11:40-12:40 Заседание на Общото събрание на Сдружение "Българското паразитологично дружество" с дневен ред:
12:40-13:40: Коктейл
Покана за годишната среща и събранието може да намерите тук.
International Symposium on Echinococcosis will be held on 27-29 March 2014 in Besançon, France.
Scientific programme, registration and abstract submission available on-line.
Dead-line for abstract submission: 13th of January 2014
The book with programme and abstracts of the IX National Conference of Parasitology is printed out. The PDF-file can be downloaded here.
Organizing committee of the IX National Conference of Parasitology announces extending of the deadlines of early registration and abstracts' submission, as follows:
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in the IX National Conference of Parasitology (with international participation), 18-21 September 2013 in Park Hotel Imperial, Plovdiv.
Bulgarian parasitologists have long-lasting traditions in research for the benefit of society and science. Our efficiency is dependant on the fruitful collaborations among researchers and practitioners in the country and the level of integration in the international parasitological community. This conference will be an exciting opportunity to share experience, exchange new ideas, strengthen existing collaborations and start new initiatives!
Yours sincerely,
Dr Boyko B. Georgiev
President of the Organizing Committee
Important dates:
For further information, registration and payments, please contact:
Official agent of the Conference
Company for International Meetings (CIM) Ltd.
18, Christo Belchev Street, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Contact: Mrs. Mira Bonova
tel.: + 356 2 980 73 16; fax: + 359 2 980 60 74
е-mail: mira@cim.bg
Dear colleagues,
The Governing body of the Bulgarian Society for Parasitology is pleased to invite you at the Annual Meeting of the Society. It will be held on 16 October 2012, 9:30 h at the National Center of Infectious Diseases, 26 "Yanko Sakazov Street", Sofia.
The program of the Annual Meeting:
09:30-10:00: Registration
10:00-11:30: Scientific session. Chairman: prof. V. Peneva
11:30-12:00: Coffee-break
12:00-13:00: Annual report of the Governing body
Dear colleagues,
The Governing body of the Bulgarian Society for Parasitology is pleased to invite you at the Annual Meeting of the Society. It will be held on 1st October 2010, 10:00 h at the National Center of Infectious Diseases, 26, “Yanko Sakazov”, Sofia..
This year the program of the Annual Meeting will include an annual report of the Governing body, a short session with presentation of our young colleagues, fee payment, accommodation of new members of the Society and closing ceremony with a cocktail.
All colleagues, who would like to present their result in the plenary session, should send the titles of their presentation till end of June to the following address: simona.georgieva@gmail.com
For more questions and information: gpetrunova@gmail.com
The XIIth International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA) will be held in Melbourne, Australia, from 15-20th August 2010 at the new Exhibition and Convention Centre (http://www.asnevents.com.au/icopa/)